This is how you can find out the duplicates between the two workbooks.There are times when our data is laid out in columns and rows. Now drag down the formulated cell to see the result for the whole column. You will get to see the resulting duplicate as Television exists in VL4. If there exists any duplicate name, the formula will return the name from List-1. In this formula, the List-1 names will be searched in List-2. We will look for the Product Name-1 column names in Product Name-2 column. Let`s make two columns that contain different product names. But, do you apply the vlookup function successfully in Excel? In Excel, vlookup is one of the most important functions for us to search a value in the left-most column of the table and return the value in the same row of the range. Which is VLOOKUP function do you use in Excel? In C2 we will write this formula =VLOOKUP (A2:A10,B2:B10,TRUE,FALSE) and then press enter. Let`s look closely at our example for better clarification.
How to find duplicate values in Excel using VLOOKUP? Using the COUNT function in the HAVING clause to check if any of the groups have more than 1 entry those would be the duplicate values.the column(s) you want to check for duplicate values on. Using the GROUP BY clause to group all rows by the target column(s) – i.e.How can we find duplicate records in a table? Press and hold Ctrl + Shift simulatenously.Copy (Ctrl + c) and paste (Ctrl + v) array formula to cell.Double press with left mouse button on cell G3.If the value you supply for the lookup_value argument is smaller than the smallest value in the first column of the table_array argument, VLOOKUP returns the #N/A error value. The lookup_value argument can be a value or a reference. Why is my lookup returning the wrong value? Note that this assumes that your table starts at row 1.

This works like the INDEX / MATCH construction of a VLOOKUP, but with a conditional MAX used instead of MATCH.

Enter the formula using Ctrl + Shift + Enter. You can use an array formula to get data from the last matching record. How do I get the last record in a Vlookup? In the box next to values with, pick the formatting you want to apply to the duplicate values, and then click OK.Click Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Duplicate Values.Select the cells you want to check for duplicates.How do I find duplicate records in Excel? One of the functions that Vlookup can accomplish is the identification of duplicates. The vlookup function, therefore, offers great flexibility and can be used to perform various tasks. The column index shows which column of data is to be used as a source of return data. In other words, it returns the last number that is less than or equal to the lookup value. As a result, when VLOOKUP finds a value that’s greater than the lookup value, it will fall back, and match a previous value. Why is my Vlookup returning the last value?īy default, VLOOKUP will do an approximate match. To vlookup and return the certain value you need, the vlookup function will be first in your mind, but, with the vlookup function you just return the first matching value not the last. Does Vlookup return the first or last match?

We can confirm if the the value is duplicated in List 1 and 2 if it returns the Value, it will be unique if it returns #NA. VLOOKUP Formula will check for the Cell B2 value in the specified Range (A2:A5) and Returns the value if found, it will return #NA if it is not found in List 1.