file not exists C:\Users\(your user name)\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ Felis 742\panels. TPB Status FAQ Chat Forum Team Member List Advanced Search Hello There, Guest Login Register If you had an account on with at least one post, you do not need to re-register.
#Xplane 11 747 download#
Search: posts titles Results: posts threads: Download Tor Browser. SASL Path to panel: C:\Users\(your user name)\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Felis 742\aircraft.key SASL Loading avionics. This in-depth review of the SSG 747-8 version 2. Does anyone have the Felis 747-200 before its release even uncracked will do just fine. X-Plane scriptable avionics library plugin snapshot 2.4.25 20170311 Commercial Edition Loaded: C:\Users\(your user name)\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\Felis 742\plugins\sasl\64\win.xpl (1-sim.sasl). Path to panel: C:\Users\(your user name)\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ Felis 742\aircraft.key With the release of the updated version 2.x for X-Plane 11.30+ SSG made a huge step forward. SSG Teases Boeing 747-8 Cockpit Improvements for X-Plane 11. Loaded: C:\Users\(your user name)\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\ Felis 742\plugins\sasl\64\win.xpl (1-sim.sasl). X-Plane scriptable avionics library plugin snapshot 2.4.25 20170311 Commercial Edition Just remove the SASL folder from the plane or read why it crashed below. Getting into your virtual 787 X-Plane cockpit and enjoying a long haul flight. Yes it just crashes my xplane 11, how do I fix this? Can someone please upload a working version? The latest wide-body airliner developed by Boeing has now landed in our shop - the '787' (aka Dreamliner). When you load the plane it will probably crash x-plane. you please reupload? I really want this modddd The SASL folder also seems to be missing. Using a little google dork magic, I was able to find the beta files (uncracked obviously).